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Flat Rent Rates

Manchester Housing Authority Flat Rents Based on FY2022 Fair Market Rents - 1/1/2022

Meriwether County - 2022 FMR
0 BR - $642
1 BR - $646
2 BR Flat - $850
2 BR TH - $850
3 BR - $1,069
4 BR - $1,1153

Flat Rents - 80% of FMR
0 BR - $514
1 BR - $517
2 BR Flat - $680
2 BR TH - $680
3 BR - $855
4 BR - $922

Flat Rents - Utility Allowance
0 BR -
1 BR -
2 BR Flat -
2 BR TH -
3 BR -
4 BR -

Flat Rents - Proposed Flat Rent
0 BR - N/A
1 BR - $356
2 BR Flat - $488
2 BR TH - $499
3 BR - $617
4 BR - $657

Flat Rents - Current
0 BR -
1 BR -
2 BR Flat -
2 BR TH -
3 BR -
4 BR -


The proposed regulation states that the Flat Rents must be no lower than 80% of the Fair Market Rent.

The Proposed Flat Rents are set at 80% of the Fair Market Rents minus the current Utility Allowance.